Posted by: Mann Eye in Co-Management
Welcome to the February edition of The OD Advocate, our information-packed monthly newsletter. We hope you’ll enjoy the content we’ve presented, and of course, we’d love to hear your feedback!

Upcoming Live Event with Dr. Rohan Verma
Turning Back the Clock: Botox and Bubbly
Please join us for a fun and educational event on February 29th in our Fannin clinic. Starting at 6PM, Dr. Rohan Verma will educate us on how Botox and other Cosmetic Procedures can seemingly turn back the clock on aging, so our patients can look and feel better!

Referral/Scheduling Portal Highlights
Experience seamless E-referrals with our user-friendly, clickable platform, allowing you and your staff to effortlessly communicate with our scheduling team in real-time. This centralized hub enables you to efficiently track your patients, ensuring they remain connected to you throughout the process. Stay informed as your patients are contacted and scheduled, with immediate access to their chart notes for added convenience.
If you are in need of a login or a refresher on the referral portal, please contact us at

Austin’s New OBS is a Great Success!
In our relentless pursuit of elevated patient care and a commitment to continuous innovation for a competitive edge, we proudly announce the opening of our new Office-Based Surgery Center (OBS) in North Austin. This state-of-the-art facility, co-located with our clinic, provides our patients with an excellent experience from the comfort of a familiar space, eliminating the need for an outside surgery center.

Welcome Mariana to the CoManagement Team!
Mariana Rodriquez received a BA in Psychology with a minor in Marketing from the University of Houston. As a Comanagement Coordinator in our Houston area, Mariana will apply her outstanding interpersonal skills and her dedication to exceptional patient care to oversee referrals and coordinate scheduling efficiently.

CoFi: Payment Platform Update
We are excited to share with you our continued success and growth with the CoFi payment platform! CoFi gives you peace of mind that we are all within compliance guidelines when processing CoManagement payments. A seamless transaction for your patients on the day of their LASIK or cataract procedure, and a seamless process for you to directly receive your post op care payments.

Introducing Andreas Gonzalez, MD
Retina and Vitreous Diseases and Surgery
We will soon be welcoming Dr. Gonzalez to our Houston team. His areas of expertise are: Retinal Surgery, Laser Surgery, Macular Degeneration, Anti-VEGF Treatment for AMD, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Vein Occlusion, Cystooid Macular Edema, Flashes and Floaters, Detached and Torn Retina, Complex Retinal Surgery, Scleral Buckles, Macular hole, Macular Pucker, Visually Significant Vitreous Floaters, Diabetic Tractional Retina Detachments, and Uveitis. More details to come!