Posted by: Mann Eye in Co-Management

Welcome to the August edition of The OD Advocate, our information-packed monthly newsletter. We hope you’ll enjoy the content we’ve presented, and of course, we’d love to hear your feedback!

Surgeon Insights:
Q&A with Paul Mann, MD

Dr. Paul Mann, one of our practice owners, weighs in on some of the most commonly asked questions:

Q: How do you file for insurance reimbursement for co-managing cataract surgery?

A: When filing for post-operative care after cataract surgery, please use the 55 modifier to ensure timely reimbursement. You will receive a Patient Surgical Information form from Mann Eye which will include the procedure and diagnosis code that you will use for your claim. The form will also indicate whether or not to collect for upgrades such as multifocal lenses.

Q: What is your LASIK enhancement policy?

A: We have a 2-year enhancement policy from the date of the original surgery. It is recommended that patients be seen one day, one week and one month after surgery to assess their vision and progress.

Q: What are the prescription parameters for being considered a candidate for LASIK?

A: Dependent on a patient’s corneal thickness and unique measurements, we can safely treat up to -12.00 myopia, +6.00 hyperopia and -6.00 cylinder.

Q: What’s new in IOL options?

A: Now more than ever, patients have the opportunity to make a lifestyle decision about their vision after cataract surgery. Mann Eye Institute offers several IOL options to choose from and our experienced cataract surgeons are dedicated to helping your patient achieve their personal best vision after cataract surgery. The TECNIS Eyhance is a next-generation intraocular lens that goes beyond the expectations of the monofocal category to allow patients to experience high-quality vision at both intermediate and far distances. Compared to an aspheric monofocal lens, the TECNIS Synergy IOL reduces the effects of presbyopia by providing better visual acuity at intermediate and near distances to reduce dependence on glasses, while maintaining comparable distance visual acuity.

Q: What is the earliest age you can see a patient for a cross-linking evaluation?

A: We can evaluate and treat patients as young as 8 to 10 years old as soon as they are diagnosed with keratoconus. The sooner we treat the condition, the faster we can halt the progression of the condition.


Introducing CoFi: Simple, Compliant, Multi-party Healthcare Payments

With CoFi, invoices can be created with two or more partners, who normally would (or should) bill the patient separately. The patient pays right at the surgeon’s office. Every party — surgeon, co-managing provider, facility, and even the anesthesiologist — gets the right amount of money, directly from the patient.

We will keep you updated on this exciting new feature.


Upcoming Event in Our Virtual Continuing Education Series

PanOptix: Advantages and Expectations in Leading-edge Technology of a Trifocal IOL

Join Brian Wright, MD as he shares exciting IOL news in our next virtual CE presentation.

When: Tuesday, Aug. 17 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Zoom (sign up using the button below)


Tip of the Month: Hitting the Target

It’s important to perform manifest refractions at the one-week post-op appointment before surgery on the second eye. These help determine how close we were to our intended target and allows for adjustments in calculations for the second eye if needed to optimized patients’ overall results. Please fax post-op examination notes and refraction to 713.580.2507.

Ready to refer? Contact information below:


Phone: 713.580.2506
Fax: 713.580.2507


Phone: 512.879.3754
Fax: 512.564.8242

Team Spotlight: Co-Management Coordinator – Brenda Infante

Brenda has enjoyed working in the field of ophthalmology since 2005. She has been with Mann Eye for six years and looks forward to many more years coordinating with area doctors and co-managing patients to help the community See Life Better. When she’s not at work, she’s enjoying time with her family and furbabies.

Brenda can be reached at 713-580-2506 or