Posted by: Mann Eye in Ask The Experts, Cataracts
I’m thinking about having cataract surgery before the end of the year, but don’t want it to interfere with the holidays. How long is the recovery?
Thankfully, the recovery from modern laser cataract surgery and Custom Lens Replacement is easier than ever. More than 2 million men and women undergo cataract surgery every year, and these procedures are performed without complication in over 95% of cases*. This makes cataract surgery one of the most common and most successful medical procedures in the U.S. today.
Since we use a femtosecond laser during the procedure, gone are the days of needles, blades, stitches, bloody eyes, black eyes or patches after surgery. Because of these amazing advances in laser technology, there’s minimal visual downtime after the procedure. In fact, recovery time is remarkably fast! Most of our patients say they are up and active within 24-48 hours of having cataract surgery.
What to Expect After Cataract Surgery
Expect your vision to be functional but not perfect quite right away. By the day after cataract surgery, most patients notice they can drive comfortably, use a computer or laptop, read, attend a sporting event, and even do light exercise. We do caution patients to be careful about not rubbing their eyes. And we recommend that the eye shield we send you home with be worn while sleeping for at least a few days. Many patients ask us when they can return to work, and the answer is, when you feel comfortable doing so. But please wait one to two weeks before resuming wearing any eye makeup.
See Life Better in Time for the Holidays
Timing is everything, and planning your procedure around your holiday plans is the first step to having great vision for your festivities. So call today to schedule your evaluation with your trusted eye care experts at Mann Eye Institute. And get ready to See the Holidays Better!
*Information sourced from Prevent Blindness America