Posted by: Mann Eye in Ask The Experts

by Dr. Luke Barker

I’ve never worn glasses, but suddenly, I need readers! What’s happening!?

Welcome to the magical world of middle age! As we all collect more birthdays, we all grow wiser, more experienced, and slowly develop presbyopia. Presbyopia, or “middle-aged vision,” is the slow, progressive loss of the ability of our natural lens to flex and accommodate for near visual tasks, such as reading a book, your watch or cellphone. It does not affect your distance vision, only your up-close vision.

Presbyopia has a very slow progression, but it can seem quite abrupt in some patients as they have slowly adapted to holding things further away to read and focus. It will happen to all of us at some point, between 40-55 years of age, whether we have never worn glasses or have had surgery to correct our vision.

Non-surgical options to help include over-the-counter or prescription reading glasses, bifocals, contact lenses or multifocal contact lenses. Thankfully, as the technology of lasers and intraocular lenses have advanced, we now have the ability to conquer presbyopia for life! LASIK for blended vision or monovision, as well as Custom Lens Replacement, can temporarily and even permanently correct this problem, giving you more freedom from reading glasses and a better overall lifestyle.

Leave “cheater readers” in the dust by coming in for your free evaluation for Custom Lens Replacement or LASIK with the eye care experts at Mann Eye Institute.

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